<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Db * @subpackage Adapter * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License * @version $Id: Oci.php 24593 2012-01-05 20:35:02Z matthew $ */ /** * @see Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract */ require_once 'Zend/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Abstract.php'; /** * Class for connecting to Oracle databases and performing common operations. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Db * @subpackage Adapter * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License */ class Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Oci extends Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Abstract { /** * PDO type. * * @var string */ protected $_pdoType = 'oci'; /** * Default class name for a DB statement. * * @var string */ protected $_defaultStmtClass = 'Zend_Db_Statement_Pdo_Oci'; /** * Keys are UPPERCASE SQL datatypes or the constants * Zend_Db::INT_TYPE, Zend_Db::BIGINT_TYPE, or Zend_Db::FLOAT_TYPE. * * Values are: * 0 = 32-bit integer * 1 = 64-bit integer * 2 = float or decimal * * @var array Associative array of datatypes to values 0, 1, or 2. */ protected $_numericDataTypes = array( Zend_Db::INT_TYPE => Zend_Db::INT_TYPE, Zend_Db::BIGINT_TYPE => Zend_Db::BIGINT_TYPE, Zend_Db::FLOAT_TYPE => Zend_Db::FLOAT_TYPE, 'BINARY_DOUBLE' => Zend_Db::FLOAT_TYPE, 'BINARY_FLOAT' => Zend_Db::FLOAT_TYPE, 'NUMBER' => Zend_Db::FLOAT_TYPE ); /** * Creates a PDO DSN for the adapter from $this->_config settings. * * @return string */ protected function _dsn() { // baseline of DSN parts $dsn = $this->_config; if (isset($dsn['host'])) { $tns = 'dbname=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)' . '(HOST=' . $dsn['host'] . ')'; if (isset($dsn['port'])) { $tns .= '(PORT=' . $dsn['port'] . ')'; } else { $tns .= '(PORT=1521)'; } $tns .= '))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=' . $dsn['dbname'] . ')))'; } else { $tns = 'dbname=' . $dsn['dbname']; } if (isset($dsn['charset'])) { $tns .= ';charset=' . $dsn['charset']; } return $this->_pdoType . ':' . $tns; } /** * Quote a raw string. * Most PDO drivers have an implementation for the quote() method, * but the Oracle OCI driver must use the same implementation as the * Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract class. * * @param string $value Raw string * @return string Quoted string */ protected function _quote($value) { if (is_int($value) || is_float($value)) { return $value; } $value = str_replace("'", "''", $value); return "'" . addcslashes($value, "\000\n\r\\\032") . "'"; } /** * Quote a table identifier and alias. * * @param string|array|Zend_Db_Expr $ident The identifier or expression. * @param string $alias An alias for the table. * @return string The quoted identifier and alias. */ public function quoteTableAs($ident, $alias = null, $auto = false) { // Oracle doesn't allow the 'AS' keyword between the table identifier/expression and alias. return $this->_quoteIdentifierAs($ident, $alias, $auto, ' '); } /** * Returns a list of the tables in the database. * * @return array */ public function listTables() { $data = $this->fetchCol('SELECT table_name FROM all_tables'); return $data; } /** * Returns the column descriptions for a table. * * The return value is an associative array keyed by the column name, * as returned by the RDBMS. * * The value of each array element is an associative array * with the following keys: * * SCHEMA_NAME => string; name of schema * TABLE_NAME => string; * COLUMN_NAME => string; column name * COLUMN_POSITION => number; ordinal position of column in table * DATA_TYPE => string; SQL datatype name of column * DEFAULT => string; default expression of column, null if none * NULLABLE => boolean; true if column can have nulls * LENGTH => number; length of CHAR/VARCHAR * SCALE => number; scale of NUMERIC/DECIMAL * PRECISION => number; precision of NUMERIC/DECIMAL * UNSIGNED => boolean; unsigned property of an integer type * PRIMARY => boolean; true if column is part of the primary key * PRIMARY_POSITION => integer; position of column in primary key * IDENTITY => integer; true if column is auto-generated with unique values * * @todo Discover integer unsigned property. * * @param string $tableName * @param string $schemaName OPTIONAL * @return array */ public function describeTable($tableName, $schemaName = null) { $version = $this->getServerVersion(); if (($version === null) || version_compare($version, '9.0.0', '>=')) { $sql = "SELECT TC.TABLE_NAME, TC.OWNER, TC.COLUMN_NAME, TC.DATA_TYPE, TC.DATA_DEFAULT, TC.NULLABLE, TC.COLUMN_ID, TC.DATA_LENGTH, TC.DATA_SCALE, TC.DATA_PRECISION, C.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, CC.POSITION FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS TC LEFT JOIN (ALL_CONS_COLUMNS CC JOIN ALL_CONSTRAINTS C ON (CC.CONSTRAINT_NAME = C.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND CC.TABLE_NAME = C.TABLE_NAME AND CC.OWNER = C.OWNER AND C.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P')) ON TC.TABLE_NAME = CC.TABLE_NAME AND TC.COLUMN_NAME = CC.COLUMN_NAME WHERE UPPER(TC.TABLE_NAME) = UPPER(:TBNAME)"; $bind[':TBNAME'] = $tableName; if ($schemaName) { $sql .= ' AND UPPER(TC.OWNER) = UPPER(:SCNAME)'; $bind[':SCNAME'] = $schemaName; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY TC.COLUMN_ID'; } else { $subSql="SELECT AC.OWNER, AC.TABLE_NAME, ACC.COLUMN_NAME, AC.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, ACC.POSITION from ALL_CONSTRAINTS AC, ALL_CONS_COLUMNS ACC WHERE ACC.CONSTRAINT_NAME = AC.CONSTRAINT_NAME AND ACC.TABLE_NAME = AC.TABLE_NAME AND ACC.OWNER = AC.OWNER AND AC.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P' AND UPPER(AC.TABLE_NAME) = UPPER(:TBNAME)"; $bind[':TBNAME'] = $tableName; if ($schemaName) { $subSql .= ' AND UPPER(ACC.OWNER) = UPPER(:SCNAME)'; $bind[':SCNAME'] = $schemaName; } $sql="SELECT TC.TABLE_NAME, TC.OWNER, TC.COLUMN_NAME, TC.DATA_TYPE, TC.DATA_DEFAULT, TC.NULLABLE, TC.COLUMN_ID, TC.DATA_LENGTH, TC.DATA_SCALE, TC.DATA_PRECISION, CC.CONSTRAINT_TYPE, CC.POSITION FROM ALL_TAB_COLUMNS TC, ($subSql) CC WHERE UPPER(TC.TABLE_NAME) = UPPER(:TBNAME) AND TC.OWNER = CC.OWNER(+) AND TC.TABLE_NAME = CC.TABLE_NAME(+) AND TC.COLUMN_NAME = CC.COLUMN_NAME(+)"; if ($schemaName) { $sql .= ' AND UPPER(TC.OWNER) = UPPER(:SCNAME)'; } $sql .= ' ORDER BY TC.COLUMN_ID'; } $stmt = $this->query($sql, $bind); /** * Use FETCH_NUM so we are not dependent on the CASE attribute of the PDO connection */ $result = $stmt->fetchAll(Zend_Db::FETCH_NUM); $table_name = 0; $owner = 1; $column_name = 2; $data_type = 3; $data_default = 4; $nullable = 5; $column_id = 6; $data_length = 7; $data_scale = 8; $data_precision = 9; $constraint_type = 10; $position = 11; $desc = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $row) { list ($primary, $primaryPosition, $identity) = array(false, null, false); if ($row[$constraint_type] == 'P') { $primary = true; $primaryPosition = $row[$position]; /** * Oracle does not support auto-increment keys. */ $identity = false; } $desc[$this->foldCase($row[$column_name])] = array( 'SCHEMA_NAME' => $this->foldCase($row[$owner]), 'TABLE_NAME' => $this->foldCase($row[$table_name]), 'COLUMN_NAME' => $this->foldCase($row[$column_name]), 'COLUMN_POSITION' => $row[$column_id], 'DATA_TYPE' => $row[$data_type], 'DEFAULT' => $row[$data_default], 'NULLABLE' => (bool) ($row[$nullable] == 'Y'), 'LENGTH' => $row[$data_length], 'SCALE' => $row[$data_scale], 'PRECISION' => $row[$data_precision], 'UNSIGNED' => null, // @todo 'PRIMARY' => $primary, 'PRIMARY_POSITION' => $primaryPosition, 'IDENTITY' => $identity ); } return $desc; } /** * Return the most recent value from the specified sequence in the database. * This is supported only on RDBMS brands that support sequences * (e.g. Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2). Other RDBMS brands return null. * * @param string $sequenceName * @return integer */ public function lastSequenceId($sequenceName) { $this->_connect(); $value = $this->fetchOne('SELECT '.$this->quoteIdentifier($sequenceName, true).'.CURRVAL FROM dual'); return $value; } /** * Generate a new value from the specified sequence in the database, and return it. * This is supported only on RDBMS brands that support sequences * (e.g. Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2). Other RDBMS brands return null. * * @param string $sequenceName * @return integer */ public function nextSequenceId($sequenceName) { $this->_connect(); $value = $this->fetchOne('SELECT '.$this->quoteIdentifier($sequenceName, true).'.NEXTVAL FROM dual'); return $value; } /** * Gets the last ID generated automatically by an IDENTITY/AUTOINCREMENT column. * * As a convention, on RDBMS brands that support sequences * (e.g. Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2), this method forms the name of a sequence * from the arguments and returns the last id generated by that sequence. * On RDBMS brands that support IDENTITY/AUTOINCREMENT columns, this method * returns the last value generated for such a column, and the table name * argument is disregarded. * * Oracle does not support IDENTITY columns, so if the sequence is not * specified, this method returns null. * * @param string $tableName OPTIONAL Name of table. * @param string $primaryKey OPTIONAL Name of primary key column. * @return string * @throws Zend_Db_Adapter_Oracle_Exception */ public function lastInsertId($tableName = null, $primaryKey = null) { if ($tableName !== null) { $sequenceName = $tableName; if ($primaryKey) { $sequenceName .= $this->foldCase("_$primaryKey"); } $sequenceName .= $this->foldCase('_seq'); return $this->lastSequenceId($sequenceName); } // No support for IDENTITY columns; return null return null; } /** * Adds an adapter-specific LIMIT clause to the SELECT statement. * * @param string $sql * @param integer $count * @param integer $offset * @throws Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception * @return string */ public function limit($sql, $count, $offset = 0) { $count = intval($count); if ($count <= 0) { /** @see Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ require_once 'Zend/Db/Adapter/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception("LIMIT argument count=$count is not valid"); } $offset = intval($offset); if ($offset < 0) { /** @see Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception */ require_once 'Zend/Db/Adapter/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception("LIMIT argument offset=$offset is not valid"); } /** * Oracle does not implement the LIMIT clause as some RDBMS do. * We have to simulate it with subqueries and ROWNUM. * Unfortunately because we use the column wildcard "*", * this puts an extra column into the query result set. */ $limit_sql = "SELECT z2.* FROM ( SELECT z1.*, ROWNUM AS \"zend_db_rownum\" FROM ( " . $sql . " ) z1 ) z2 WHERE z2.\"zend_db_rownum\" BETWEEN " . ($offset+1) . " AND " . ($offset+$count); return $limit_sql; } }