<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Service * @subpackage Rackspace * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License */ require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Abstract.php'; require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Files/ContainerList.php'; require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Files/ObjectList.php'; require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Files/Container.php'; require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Files/Object.php'; class Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files extends Zend_Service_Rackspace_Abstract { const ERROR_CONTAINER_NOT_EMPTY = 'The container is not empty, I cannot delete it.'; const ERROR_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND = 'The container was not found.'; const ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 'The object was not found.'; const ERROR_OBJECT_MISSING_PARAM = 'Missing Content-Length or Content-Type header in the request'; const ERROR_OBJECT_CHECKSUM = 'Checksum of the file content failed'; const ERROR_CONTAINER_EXIST = 'The container already exists'; const ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER = 'You must specify the container name'; const ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_OBJECT = 'You must specify the object name'; const ERROR_PARAM_NO_CONTENT = 'You must specify the content of the object'; const ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_SOURCE_CONTAINER = 'You must specify the source container name'; const ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_SOURCE_OBJECT = 'You must specify the source object name'; const ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_DEST_CONTAINER = 'You must specify the destination container name'; const ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_DEST_OBJECT = 'You must specify the destination object name'; const ERROR_PARAM_NO_METADATA = 'You must specify the metadata array'; const ERROR_CDN_TTL_OUT_OF_RANGE = 'TTL must be a number in seconds, min is 900 sec and maximum is 1577836800 (50 years)'; const ERROR_PARAM_UPDATE_CDN = 'You must specify at least one the parameters: ttl, cdn_enabled or log_retention'; const HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type'; const HEADER_HASH = 'Etag'; const HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED = 'Last-Modified'; const HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH = 'Content-Length'; const HEADER_COPY_FROM = 'X-Copy-From'; const METADATA_OBJECT_HEADER = "X-Object-Meta-"; const METADATA_CONTAINER_HEADER = "X-Container-Meta-"; const CDN_URI = "X-CDN-URI"; const CDN_SSL_URI = "X-CDN-SSL-URI"; const CDN_ENABLED = "X-CDN-Enabled"; const CDN_LOG_RETENTION = "X-Log-Retention"; const CDN_ACL_USER_AGENT = "X-User-Agent-ACL"; const CDN_ACL_REFERRER = "X-Referrer-ACL"; const CDN_TTL = "X-TTL"; const CDN_TTL_MIN = 900; const CDN_TTL_MAX = 1577836800; const CDN_EMAIL = "X-Purge-Email"; const ACCOUNT_CONTAINER_COUNT = "X-Account-Container-Count"; const ACCOUNT_BYTES_USED = "X-Account-Bytes-Used"; const ACCOUNT_OBJ_COUNT = "X-Account-Object-Count"; const CONTAINER_OBJ_COUNT = "X-Container-Object-Count"; const CONTAINER_BYTES_USE = "X-Container-Bytes-Used"; const MANIFEST_OBJECT_HEADER = "X-Object-Manifest"; /** * Return the total count of containers * * @return integer */ public function getCountContainers() { $data= $this->getInfoAccount(); return $data['tot_containers']; } /** * Return the size in bytes of all the containers * * @return integer */ public function getSizeContainers() { $data= $this->getInfoAccount(); return $data['size_containers']; } /** * Return the count of objects contained in all the containers * * @return integer */ public function getCountObjects() { $data= $this->getInfoAccount(); return $data['tot_objects']; } /** * Get all the containers * * @param array $options * @return Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_ContainerList|boolean */ public function getContainers($options=array()) { $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl(),'GET',null,$options); if ($result->isSuccessful()) { return new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_ContainerList($this,json_decode($result->getBody(),true)); } return false; } /** * Get all the CDN containers * * @param array $options * @return array|boolean */ public function getCdnContainers($options=array()) { $options['enabled_only']= true; $result= $this->httpCall($this->getCdnUrl(),'GET',null,$options); if ($result->isSuccessful()) { return new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_ContainerList($this,json_decode($result->getBody(),true)); } return false; } /** * Get the metadata information of the accounts: * - total count containers * - size in bytes of all the containers * - total objects in all the containers * * @return array|boolean */ public function getInfoAccount() { $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl(),'HEAD'); if ($result->isSuccessful()) { $output= array( 'tot_containers' => $result->getHeader(self::ACCOUNT_CONTAINER_COUNT), 'size_containers' => $result->getHeader(self::ACCOUNT_BYTES_USED), 'tot_objects' => $result->getHeader(self::ACCOUNT_OBJ_COUNT) ); return $output; } return false; } /** * Get all the objects of a container * * @param string $container * @param array $options * @return Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_ObjectList|boolean */ public function getObjects($container,$options=array()) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container),'GET',null,$options); if ($result->isSuccessful()) { return new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_ObjectList($this,json_decode($result->getBody(),true),$container); } return false; } /** * Create a container * * @param string $container * @param array $metadata * @return Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Container|boolean */ public function createContainer($container,$metadata=array()) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } $headers=array(); if (!empty($metadata)) { foreach ($metadata as $key => $value) { $headers[self::METADATA_CONTAINER_HEADER.rawurlencode(strtolower($key))]= rawurlencode($value); } } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container),'PUT',$headers); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '201': // break intentionally omitted $data= array( 'name' => $container ); return new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Container($this,$data); case '202': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_CONTAINER_EXIST; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Delete a container (only if it's empty) * * @param sting $container * @return boolean */ public function deleteContainer($container) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container),'DELETE'); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '204': // break intentionally omitted return true; case '409': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_CONTAINER_NOT_EMPTY; break; case '404': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Get the metadata of a container * * @param string $container * @return array|boolean */ public function getMetadataContainer($container) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container),'HEAD'); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '204': // break intentionally omitted $headers= $result->getHeaders(); $count= strlen(self::METADATA_CONTAINER_HEADER); // Zend_Http_Response alters header name in array key, so match our header to what will be in the headers array $headerName = ucwords(strtolower(self::METADATA_CONTAINER_HEADER)); $metadata= array(); foreach ($headers as $type => $value) { if (strpos($type,$headerName)!==false) { $metadata[strtolower(substr($type, $count))]= $value; } } $data= array ( 'name' => $container, 'count' => $result->getHeader(self::CONTAINER_OBJ_COUNT), 'bytes' => $result->getHeader(self::CONTAINER_BYTES_USE), 'metadata' => $metadata ); return $data; case '404': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Get a container * * @param string $container * @return Container|boolean */ public function getContainer($container) { $result= $this->getMetadataContainer($container); if (!empty($result)) { return new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Container($this,$result); } return false; } /** * Get an object in a container * * @param string $container * @param string $object * @param array $headers * @return Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Object|boolean */ public function getObject($container,$object,$headers=array()) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } if (empty($object)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_OBJECT); } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container).'/'.rawurlencode($object),'GET',$headers); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '200': // break intentionally omitted $data= array( 'name' => $object, 'container' => $container, 'hash' => $result->getHeader(self::HEADER_HASH), 'bytes' => $result->getHeader(self::HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH), 'last_modified' => $result->getHeader(self::HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED), 'content_type' => $result->getHeader(self::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE), 'content' => $result->getBody() ); return new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Object($this,$data); case '404': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Store a file in a container * * @param string $container * @param string $object * @param string $content * @param array $metadata * @param string $content_type * * @return boolean */ public function storeObject($container,$object,$content,$metadata=array(),$content_type=null) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } if (empty($object)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_OBJECT); } if (empty($content)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_CONTENT); } if (!empty($content_type)) { $headers[self::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE]= $content_type; } if (!empty($metadata) && is_array($metadata)) { foreach ($metadata as $key => $value) { $headers[self::METADATA_OBJECT_HEADER.$key]= $value; } } $headers[self::HEADER_HASH]= md5($content); $headers[self::HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH]= strlen($content); $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container).'/'.rawurlencode($object),'PUT',$headers,null,$content); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '201': // break intentionally omitted return true; case '412': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_OBJECT_MISSING_PARAM; break; case '422': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_OBJECT_CHECKSUM; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Delete an object in a container * * @param string $container * @param string $object * @return boolean */ public function deleteObject($container,$object) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } if (empty($object)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_OBJECT); } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container).'/'.rawurlencode($object),'DELETE'); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '204': // break intentionally omitted return true; case '404': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Copy an object from a container to another * * @param string $container_source * @param string $obj_source * @param string $container_dest * @param string $obj_dest * @param array $metadata * @param string $content_type * @return boolean */ public function copyObject($container_source,$obj_source,$container_dest,$obj_dest,$metadata=array(),$content_type=null) { if (empty($container_source)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_SOURCE_CONTAINER); } if (empty($obj_source)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_SOURCE_OBJECT); } if (empty($container_dest)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_DEST_CONTAINER); } if (empty($obj_dest)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_DEST_OBJECT); } $headers= array( self::HEADER_COPY_FROM => '/'.rawurlencode($container_source).'/'.rawurlencode($obj_source), self::HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH => 0 ); if (!empty($content_type)) { $headers[self::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE]= $content_type; } if (!empty($metadata) && is_array($metadata)) { foreach ($metadata as $key => $value) { $headers[self::METADATA_OBJECT_HEADER.$key]= $value; } } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container_dest).'/'.rawurlencode($obj_dest),'PUT',$headers); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '201': // break intentionally omitted return true; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Get the metadata of an object * * @param string $container * @param string $object * @return array|boolean */ public function getMetadataObject($container,$object) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } if (empty($object)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_OBJECT); } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container).'/'.rawurlencode($object),'HEAD'); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '200': // break intentionally omitted $headers= $result->getHeaders(); $count= strlen(self::METADATA_OBJECT_HEADER); // Zend_Http_Response alters header name in array key, so match our header to what will be in the headers array $headerName = ucwords(strtolower(self::METADATA_OBJECT_HEADER)); $metadata= array(); foreach ($headers as $type => $value) { if (strpos($type,$headerName)!==false) { $metadata[strtolower(substr($type, $count))]= $value; } } $data= array ( 'name' => $object, 'container' => $container, 'hash' => $result->getHeader(self::HEADER_HASH), 'bytes' => $result->getHeader(self::HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH), 'content_type' => $result->getHeader(self::HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE), 'last_modified' => $result->getHeader(self::HEADER_LAST_MODIFIED), 'metadata' => $metadata ); return $data; case '404': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Set the metadata of a object in a container * The old metadata values are replaced with the new one * * @param string $container * @param string $object * @param array $metadata * @return boolean */ public function setMetadataObject($container,$object,$metadata) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } if (empty($object)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_OBJECT); } if (empty($metadata) || !is_array($metadata)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_OBJECT); } $headers=array(); foreach ($metadata as $key => $value) { $headers[self::METADATA_OBJECT_HEADER.$key]= $value; } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getStorageUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container).'/'.rawurlencode($object),'POST',$headers); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '202': // break intentionally omitted return true; case '404': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Enable the CDN for a container * * @param string $container * @param integer $ttl * @return array|boolean */ public function enableCdnContainer ($container,$ttl=self::CDN_TTL_MIN) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } $headers=array(); if (is_numeric($ttl) && ($ttl>=self::CDN_TTL_MIN) && ($ttl<=self::CDN_TTL_MAX)) { $headers[self::CDN_TTL]= $ttl; } else { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_CDN_TTL_OUT_OF_RANGE); } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getCdnUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container),'PUT',$headers); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '201': case '202': // break intentionally omitted $data= array ( 'cdn_uri' => $result->getHeader(self::CDN_URI), 'cdn_uri_ssl' => $result->getHeader(self::CDN_SSL_URI) ); return $data; case '404': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Update the attribute of a CDN container * * @param string $container * @param integer $ttl * @param boolean $cdn_enabled * @param boolean $log * @return boolean */ public function updateCdnContainer($container,$ttl=null,$cdn_enabled=null,$log=null) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } if (empty($ttl) && (!isset($cdn_enabled)) && (!isset($log))) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_UPDATE_CDN); } $headers=array(); if (isset($ttl)) { if (is_numeric($ttl) && ($ttl>=self::CDN_TTL_MIN) && ($ttl<=self::CDN_TTL_MAX)) { $headers[self::CDN_TTL]= $ttl; } else { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_CDN_TTL_OUT_OF_RANGE); } } if (isset($cdn_enabled)) { if ($cdn_enabled===true) { $headers[self::CDN_ENABLED]= 'true'; } else { $headers[self::CDN_ENABLED]= 'false'; } } if (isset($log)) { if ($log===true) { $headers[self::CDN_LOG_RETENTION]= 'true'; } else { $headers[self::CDN_LOG_RETENTION]= 'false'; } } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getCdnUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container),'POST',$headers); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '200': case '202': // break intentionally omitted return true; case '404': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } /** * Get the information of a Cdn container * * @param string $container * @return array|boolean */ public function getInfoCdnContainer($container) { if (empty($container)) { require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Exception.php'; throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME_CONTAINER); } $result= $this->httpCall($this->getCdnUrl().'/'.rawurlencode($container),'HEAD'); $status= $result->getStatus(); switch ($status) { case '204': // break intentionally omitted $data= array ( 'ttl' => $result->getHeader(self::CDN_TTL), 'cdn_uri' => $result->getHeader(self::CDN_URI), 'cdn_uri_ssl' => $result->getHeader(self::CDN_SSL_URI) ); $data['cdn_enabled']= (strtolower($result->getHeader(self::CDN_ENABLED))!=='false'); $data['log_retention']= (strtolower($result->getHeader(self::CDN_LOG_RETENTION))!=='false'); return $data; case '404': $this->errorMsg= self::ERROR_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND; break; default: $this->errorMsg= $result->getBody(); break; } $this->errorCode= $status; return false; } }